Rocky Mountain High

Today’s agenda was Rocky Mountain National Park, just 10 minutes away from our vacation cabin.  I was expecting today to be pretty simple from a logistical perspective, but as it turns out it is much more complicated than you’d think. There’s now a timed entry reservation system (thanks to our friend Michelle for tipping me off to this, as otherwise we would have shown up that morning and gotten turned away.)  You have to reserve a two-hour window to enter the park, and if you want to go to the Bear Lake area, there’s a different kind of reservation that’s even harder to get.  Some tickets are released well in advance, and others are released the evening prior.

Our initial ticket times weren’t great, so at 6:59 the night before I was poised on my phone, as though I was trying to get Taylor Swift tickets.  You can’t make more than one reservation for a given day with the same account, and I didn’t want to cancel any existing reservation until the new one was secured. By the end I had created accounts for four different members of our family, and we had tickets to enter the main park at 9am and the Bear Lake area at noon.

On the plus side, the reservation system meant that the park was less crowded than any park we’ve visited in the summer.  We cruised right in and almost immediately saw people looking with binoculars at Sheep Lake, where there was supposedly a moose in the underbrush.  We did not actually see the moose, but a nice ranger showed us some moose antlers (heavy!) and offered the girls Junior Ranger badge workbooks.  (These were extremely popular when we were on our cross country trip in 2012, but not exactly what our 22-, 20-, and 16-year olds were looking for.)

We’d decided to head for the Alpine Visitor Center, way above tree line.  We had quite a debate about which route to take.  The first option was a 9-mile, 15mph one-way dirt road.  It was described by many as more beautiful but terrifying, with tight switchbacks and no guardrails.  The main road, Trail Ridge Road, was 20 miles long and is one of the highest paved roads in the US.  We’ve driven this before — and found its switchbacks and lack of guardrails terrifying enough.  Imagining a road that was MORE narrow, with MORE switchbacks and drop-offs, gaining elevation twice as fast, was enough to put us off that option.  (Nadia, who suffers from both fear of heights and car sickness — and as such was already in for a pretty challenging day — was the strongest vote.)  So back to Trail Ridge Road we went (with me driving this time, since Bob still has traumatic memories of last time).

There were lots of beautiful spots to stop at along the way.  Every overlook seemed more gorgeous than the one before — and more tiring, with the amount of oxygen in the air dropping with each mile.  Luckily we’d had two days to adjust in mile-high Denver, then another couple of days in 7500 foot Estes Park.  Even so, by the time we got to the Alpine Visitor Center at close to 12,000 feet, we were all suffering in one way or another.  Most of us still managed to climb an additional .6 miles on the Alpine Ridge Trail, for broad views of the tundra and distant glaciers.  We rewarded ourselves afterwards with lunch at the nearby cafe (which we had discovered is the only place to buy food within the park).  The food was mediocre but the views were fabulous.

The first lake

This all took quite some time, especially after there was some additional excitement with a temporarily lost wallet, so we found ourselves rushing to get back down the mountain in time to reach Bear Lake within the noon-2:00 window allowed by our reservation.  The top part of the drive down was the most white-knuckle part of the trip, and I was very glad to get back to lower ground.

Bear Lake was a completely different ecosystem, with lush forests, roaring brooks, and high peaks in the distance.  Once we started the trail recommended by our friend Michelle (the Emerald Lake trail), we could instantly see why this is the most popular area of the park.  The trail goes to three alpine lakes.  The first was a small, verdant pool tucked into the woods.  (Lanie, tired from the altitude, elected to stay here and read her book rather than continuing on.)  The second one was much larger, greenish, and opened up to spectacular views of dramatic mountains .  Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see the third one, as we decided we should be getting back to Lanie and Nadia (who, still not feeling well from all the windy roads, had elected to stay at the visitor center).  This was one of my favorite trails that I’d ever hiked so I was sad to miss the end, but this was tempered by the fact that it started to rain just as we arrived back — so it was probably best that we weren’t still out on the trail with miles to go.  (In general we’ve had amazing luck with the weather this week.  It seems like it reliably starts to run just as we complete some outdoor activity and head inside.)

On the way back we stopped at Sheep Lakes again and this time the moose was right out in the middle of the lake!  We got a decent view through Zoe’s binoculars.

We got back to the cabin right around dinner time, and after a short rest the troops decided they were energetic enough to tackle the Estes Park escape room, the Time Emporium.  I made a reservation before we headed out for dinner, but we hit some kind of time warp where it somehow seemed to take about 40 minutes to make the 10 minute drive into town.  This led to us having to bolt down our (delicious) pizza and race the short distance to the room, but we made it just in time.  Perhaps it was oxygen deprivation or hiking exhaustion, but I proved to be totally useless in solving any of the puzzles that the room had to offer.  Fortunately, the rest of the family stepped up and we were able to escape the Lost City of Atlantis in around 45 minutes with minimal assistance.


Raft and Shine

Bob and I had visions of getting moving early in the mornings to go for walks (or, even more delusionally, runs) but for the most part that hasn’t really happened.  But today we at least managed to get out for a short stroll around our resort complex, along a shallow rushing river.

For today’s main adventure, we headed north a bit to Fort Collins, for a white water rafting trip on the Poudre River.  Unfortunately this outing was mostly unphotographed.  (Or rather, it was unphotographed by us.  We didn’t have our phones with us, for obvious reasons.  The rafting company did have a photographer stationed at various key points along the route, but Bob and I elected not to pay the $75 price tag for their photo package.  Our devotion to our blog followers has some limits.  You’ll have to rely on our powers of description.)

Anyway, it was a pretty fun trip.  We all managed to stay in the boat, despite some touch-and-go moments.  Our guide perceived the girls’ love of adventure and offered to make the trip more “spicy”.  This included running the last rapid while spinning the raft in circles.  Cole the guide said his record was five circles, but we only got to four.  None of the other rafts in our groups did any circles at all, so we considered it a win nevertheless.

The scariest part by far was the bus ride.  On the way there, I was a little concerned by the speed at which the bus driver was taking the very curvy road.  (I kept my rafting helmet on and hoped that would protect me in the event of the bus plunging over the guard rails.)  On the way back, when we were approaching a small traffic circle, the guides on the bus all started chanting “DO THE LOOP!  DO THE LOOP!”  We discovered that this meant doing an extra lap around the traffic circle, at relatively high speed.  At one point the bus went slightly over the curb into the center median.  But we survived to tell the tale.

Next stop: the beautiful and historic Stanley Hotel.  The main claim to fame of this place — and what saved it from bankruptcy — is that it is the inspiration for “The Shining”.  Stephen King stayed here one winter night in the seventies, and much of the plot of the book was based on his experiences here.  Many people (including, previously, us) also believe that the movie was filmed here.  Actually, that was not the case — but Stephen King hated the original movie version, and later shot his own miniseries here at the hotel.  (Apparently “Dumb and Dumber” was also shot here, and Jim Carrey had some kind of supernatural experience on his first night here that led to him decamping to the Holiday Inn in town.)

In any case, the hotel has fully embraced this history, and offers Shining-themed tours several times a day.  We heard lots of interesting stories about the history of the hotel, various haunted tales, and stories about Stephen King’s visit and subsequent filming.  Apparently the hotel also got tired of dealing with disappointed guests — and realized which side their bread was buttered on — so they recreated several features from the movie, even though they weren’t in the book.  This included a hedge maze and several exquisitely-reproduced rooms from the hotel.  It was an interesting tour, even if you weren’t that familiar with The Shining.  This was good because some of us had read the book and seen the movie long ago, some had only read the book, and some had not done either.

Dinner was in downtown Estes Park at Mama Rose’s, an Italian restaurant that had been recommended to us by a local.  We all greatly enjoyed the big plates of pasta (and for some of us, big glasses of house wine).  The girls managed to save room for a subsequent stop at Dairy Queen before returning to the cabin.


Boulder — Day 3

Travel days can be tough for planners and participants alike, but we are fortunate that Colorado has put something cool between today’s point A (Denver) and Point B (Estes Park — gateway to the Rocky Mountain National Park).  That cool thing is Boulder, a place that deserves its own stayover, at least, and perhaps even a good chunk of a week to give it its full due.

We just had today, though, so we set out to do our best with the time we had.

First things first, a planned stopover at Dutch Bros. coffee, a chain that Nadia knows from her visits to Arizona.  She secured a highly caffeinated creation, and we were all suddenly ready for the day.

We moved on and made our way to our first point in Boulder, a park high above the city.  We wandered through a wide inclining grassy field (and past at least two more weddings — or at least wedding photo sessions), and we crawled among the ankles of the famous Flatiron rock formations.  Zoe even started a brief climb up Flatiron 3, which is accessible only via a very vertical route up a tree-less rock face.

It was crowded with Saturday morning adventurers, many who thought it was a great idea to run up the hill and then scale the rockface barely breaking stride.  Several climbers made their way out of our sight line, gaining 100 feet in altitude, in the 10 minutes we watched.  Zoe only made it about 20 feet befored she decided to come back down.  Her sneakers did not make good climbing shoes.

We finished our loop and then hopped on a shuttle bus that connected the park to the downtown area that held our next points of interest.  Down the hill we went and across town, through the impressive Colorado State University campus,

The trolley dropped us on the edge of the city’s bi-weekly farmers’ market. At the center of the tents and stands we found our brunch destination, a tea house donated to Boulder by its sister city, Dushanbe, Tajikistan.  This was another point of interest uncovered by Zoe’s research.

On a Saturday morning in early August, the wait time to get in (they don’t take brunch  reservations) is about 45 minutes.  That gave us time to wander through the farmer’s market.

We saw a very good side of Boulder this morning.  The park and hike offered a connection to nature, with a scenery scale that was off the charts, and free public transportation always gets our attention.  The community’s embrace of the farmer’s market — it was quite crowded and supported a fair-like atmosphere — was also on full display.

And if that didn’t win us over, the brunch at the tea house sealed the deal.  Our orders spanned from Indonesian to Indian to Persian to Mexican, and every one of us walked away full and satisfied.

Boulder is compact enough that we did not even need to walk far to get to the highly popular Pearl Street outdoor mall.  We wandered a little here — it is quite extensive well laid-out.

Our guess is that Denver is trying to recreate this with its 16th Street Mall.  One standout feature on the Pearl Street Mall: the only retail outlet for the Liberty Puzzle Company, whose intricate wooden jigsaw puzzles have given Jen many hours of entertainment.

The last stop in Boulder required us to collect the truck and head to the outskirts of town for another singular retail experience.  All of the Celestial Seasonings Teas in the store are mixed and packed in a plant just outside of town.

They offer a very nice tour and an extensive gift shop that is the only place in the world where you can purchase all 100+ blends they create.  Even cooler, they have a tasting room where you can request a samply of any of their teas.  It was simultaneously very cool and very laid back.

We stayed there tasting right up to the 5 pm closing time, but when they kicked us out we realized that we were already well on the way from Denver to Estes Park.  We pulled into our apartment well before sunset, and if I were to tell you there was an elk waiting for us in the front yard I would obviously be lying.  In truth, there were THREE elk there to greet us.

It might have been a family, and they seemed completely disinterested in us and completely interested in eating the grass — though the biggest elk did walk over to check out the pickup truck.

For dinner, we decided to hit up the Estes Park Brewery — and realized that it looked familiar.  The adults in our family had been here before.  Just like last time, the Olympics were playing on the TV.  Luckily, this time, it being Saturday night rather than Friday afternoon, we were able to watch something other than rhythmic gymnastics.

Denver Day 2

Having checked a few Denver menu items off on day 1, we still had some highly anticipated experiences set up for day 2.  An early-morning planning session, taking into account the relative locations of each experience, plus the predicted weather, led us to a plan, but the first stop of the day was a site none of us even knew about on day 1.

Jen received a message from our landlord informing us about a pop-up bakery several blocks from our house that was worth visiting.  In fact, even though it did not advertise, it was so popular that it regularly sold out its stock.  So, we rumbled the Tacoma all the way down Steele Street to beat the crowds to the baked goods.  The croissants and pesto sourdough loaf were worth the effort.

Thus fueled, we were able to hit the town for another round of adventure.  The new schedule kept the original plan offering an optional trip the the Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater — yes, that magical place of dreams where John Denver debuted his soon-to-be hit “Rocky Mountain High,” and countless other musical acts have performed in the presence of a lot of people, and a whole bunch of red rocks.

Four of us made the trip, and three of us took the 1.4-mile Trading Post Trail loop (another recommendation from our hosts).  Nadia slept in and Lanie opted to spend her Red Rocks time appreciating the amphitheater — which was pretty deserving of appreciation.  Built in the 30’s as part of a Civilian Conservation Corps. project that took 12 years to complete, the amphitheater is nestled between two huge rock protrusions.  The gracefully curved rows of bench seats cascade from a concourse down rather steeply to a stage enclosed by structures built from brick the same color as the natural rock.  Its accoustics rival natural Greek amphitheaters (according to a writeup I read on a sign in the gift shop), and it has hosted events ranging from rock concerts, to graduations, to Easter Sunday sunrise services.

While Lanie appreciated all this, the remaing three of us wound around and through the natural rocks with one eye on the scenery and another on the local bird population.  Jen’s pre-trip preparation included printing out a checklist of Birds of Colorado.  On this hike, we were able to check off the Lazuli Bunting, Black Beaked Magpie, and several types of swallow.

From the observation deck. Unfortunately the person we asked to photograph us managed to not include the Denver skyline.

Because of our speedy hiking skills, and because Red Rocks is only 25 minutes from our place in Denver, we were able to collect Nadia and move on with the plan for the day before much of the morning has passed.   The plan had us visiting the science and nature museum first, then making our way across the large city park to the botanical gardens that were on the other side.  All this was in manageable walking distance from our home base.

That’s what our plan said.  Reality said something a little different.  The first disconnect here was that the Science and Nature Museum held our attention much longer than anyone expected.  We could have stayed here for the whole day.  The special exhibit on poisons was very densely packed with information and incredibly interesting.  (Nadia likes to keep us guessing.  Normally she’s the first one done at any museum, impatiently waiting to move on while Zoe reads every word on every sign.  This time around, the rest of us were all done with the whole museum and waiting in the atrium before she even got through the Poison exhibit.  As a neuroscience major/chemistry minor who hopes to go into research, she had a professional interest in all of it.)

We also got pulled into exhibits on space exploration and archaeology.  The natural history dioramas were extensive and brightly rendered.  We made it up to the fourth floor terrace for a great view of the park with the city’s skyscrapers in the distance. (Beyond them, we knew, were the Rocky Mountains, but the day’s cloud cover kept them from our view.)

The second hitch in the plan was geographic in nature.  The Botanical Gardens were located on the edge of a completely different park.  Thankfully, we realized this before we started searching the park to find it.  Jen and I left the girls immersed in the Science and Nature Museum while we walked back to HQ to collect the pickup.  Then we got the girls for a quick jaunt a few parks over to the Botanical Gardens.

Close followers of our travel will know that science museums and botanical gardens are mainstays of our adventures.  It’s rare that we go for both of these family favorites in one day, but Denver was obliging.  Even though they weren’t in the same park, the musem and gardens here are on the same side of town, admid grids of appealing residential neighborhoods.   We’ve even been able to find suitable parking when we need it, which doesn’t always seem likely given the girth of our pick up truck.

The botanical gardens were buzzing with activity, too.  Lots of cars in the parking lot, lots of people milling around.  Maybe 40 percent of them were on hand to witness a matrimonial ceremony.  We managed to spy two brides walking around, but there were enough tuxedos, matching dresses, high heels and sport coats in the crowd to accommodate at least a few more.  It clearly is a wonderful place to get married — there is practically no possible camera angle that would not have flowers in the background.

We saw a fancy herb garden and an elegant and extensive Japanese garden.  A specialy here seems to be water lillies.  We saw several pools filled with different examples, almost all of them in bloom.

It was all very nice, but to some minds on our tour it was all only the build-up to day 2’s most exciting feature.  We grabbed a quick dinner at a microbrewery located in the center of an eerily deserted college campus that was only blocks from the city center.  Then we ambled over to the outskirts of town for … well none of us were exactly sure what we headed for this evening.

Ever since she started research  activities for this trip, Zoe has been a strong advocate for “The Convergence Zone,” an entertainment venue that offered lots of lore, but very little definitive information about what it entailed.  From what we could gather, it was somewhat similar to the St. Louis City Museum, perhaps the best-loved experience from our whole cross-country trip.  Like that instiution, the Convergence Station seemed to be at least half-way designed as an art installation.  The other half sounded like we would be able to explore, like we had in St. Louis, and maybe solve a mystery?

It required us to reserve a time for entry — and after getting into the main concourse were were meant to take a shuttle to a world called C Street (the shuttle reminded us of an elevator), and then when we got out of the shuttle we were meant to “boop” a smart card against any swirling light logo we saw.  This we did, and Zoe particularly loved it.  She would have stayed all night, booping and bopping all around among the colorul lights, otherworldly structures, and winding passageways through four distinct worlds and three floors of access.

Zoe was about 30 minutes from solving the whole puzzle when the momentum from the rest of the group gave out, and we pulled her back down to the main concourse.  (Unfortunately Lanie tends to get headaches from too much light and sound, both of which this place had in abundance.  We knew it it was time to go when we found her curled up inside the darkness of a hollow tree.)  We had been in the Convergence Station for about three hours by then.  I’m sure if Zoe ever gets back to Denver, a return visit will be the first thing on her agenda.




Vacation scheduling gets a lot more complicated once the kids are old enough for college and job and driving themselves around.  Between Zoe’s job at the Nature Conservancy, Nadia’s pre-season training, and Lanie’s summer architecture program, I was able to eke out exactly one six-day window for a family vacation.  So we consulted the Internet to see where we could fly within that window that was (a) not too long, (b) nonstop, and (c) cheap.  Of the available options, Denver won the family vote.

Everything went smoothly on our sunset flight, apart from the tragedy of being unable to pair bluetooth headphones with the seatback televisions (get it together, JetBlue!)  We had a minor snag at the rental car company, where instead of the sedan we’d reserved we were given a choice between a tiny Kia and a pickup truck.  We are not really pickup truck people, but here we are — driving down the narrow city streets at midnight, holding our breath as we edged between parked cars and oncoming traffic, hoping that it wouldn’t start to rain and that the suitcases wouldn’t get bounced out of the truck bed.

We were here briefly once before, as part of our cross country trip.  The kids still fondly remember the waffle restaurant and the children’s museum.  Unfortunately this time we don’t have cousin Danny to take us around, so we had to plan our trip on our own.  I asked everyone for a short list of must-see attractions.

We started with one of Lanie’s picks — the Denver Art Museum.  We’re not always art museum people either — but we really liked this one.  The building itself was amazing and the exhibits were interesting and varied. It was definitely low on the Museum Life-Suck effect that we can find ourselves vulnerable.  Our favorite part was the Biophilia exhibit, featuring art and architecture inspired by nature.  We also took a quick detour across the park to the state house to stand on the Mile High Step — exactly one mile above sea level.

Next up was Nadia’s pick — the Denver Aquarium, walking distance away along a pleasant route through downtown and along a riverside bike path.  (Not everyone in the party considered this 45-minute stroll to count as “walking distance”.)

Nadia had read good things about the aquarium restaurant, where you can eat surrounded by fish, and a substantial lunch there restored morale.  (Sadly you were not able to point to a fish in one of the tanks and ask them to cook it for you.)

Never too old for the stingray touch tank

After the aquarium, our plan had been to stroll around the nearby 16 Street Mall, an outdoor pedestrian district of shops and restaurants that had come highly recommended.  Unfortunately, the whole thing was under construction and the shops were mostly non-existent or closed, so this one was kind of a bust.

Morale flagging once again, we decided to stop at the Rock Bottom Brewery for drinks and snacks.  This was a fortuitous decision, even though we didn’t like the beer much, because slightly after we arrived the skies opened.  We were very glad we weren’t still outside on the 16th Street Mall, navigating closed sidewalks and picking our way around construction debris.

To cap off the day, we had scheduled a family favorite activity — the nearby Escapology escape room.  Zoe had insisted that we were capable of the expert-level Mansion Murder, but we were a bit daunted when we saw the 27% success rate.  Nevertheless, the difficulty scale seemed a bit easier than we were used to from home, and we managed to solve the mystery and escape the room in about 45 minutes.

And the room had an attached cool steampunk-themed bar and restaurant with board games, so we were able to finish the day with dinner and Trivial Pursuit before heading back to our VRBO apartment.

Great North American Eclipse, Part 2 — We see the light, and suspect that Taylor Swift walks among us dressed as a martian

It is famously difficult to adequately describe the experience of viewing a solar eclipse, but we can pretty accurately describe how we managed to view this Great North American Eclipse of 2024.  Maybe this will help someone get ready to view the next one when it comes along.

An important first step: Get a good breakfast in.  Roaming around all day requires fuel, and in the excitement it’s not a sure thing that you will remember to eat, or  even that you will always have access to food.

Breezing past Millinocket

The Bangor Inn and Suites offers a good spread, and it opens at 6 am.  This worked well for us.  We had decided to visit Houlton – it was a little farther away, but it offered the chance to experience the eclipse in the presence of experts from NASA and lots of other people who were excited about it all.  It was 140 miles to Houlton.  We needed to be set up somewhere with Wifi by 9 am.  Finishing breakfast by 7 was pretty important.

Houlton’s claim to fame prior to the eclipse? It’s the only place you can be on Route 1 and Route 2 at the same time.

Clear roads to Houlton were also important.  We breezed past Millinocket, Island Falls, and, really, only a handful of other towns.  We had great views of snow-topped Katahdin. And in almost no time, we were pulling off 95 and heading toward the heart of Houlton.  We stopped in a bank parking lot that seemed well-located.  It cost $20, and we later learned that the funds would go to the local Humane Society.  The lot was mostly empty at 8:30.

The Riverside Star Park was pretty empty at first.

Getting a good parking space turned out to be important.  Our spot was right across the street from the Riverside Star Park, one of four such parks the town had set up for visitors.  We were able to visit the van several times during the day.   Upon arrival, we carried our bags and chairs across the street, and staked out some space, including a picnic table.  A man was there to let us know which direction to point our chairs to see the eclipse.

There was a van in the park’s parking lot with a satellite disk providing Wifi.  Another van  there was from The Weather Channel. There was even a bank of porta potties in the back corner of the park.  By 8:45, we were ready to view the eclipse.  We only had five hours or so until first contact – when the moon starts to cover the sun.   It was time to check out the Maine Eclipse Festival.

Across a pedestrian bridge and up a small sidewalk, we found Houlton’s wide Market Square.  There was a huge set of eclipse glasses, and a bust of George Washington wearing eclipse glasses.  There were open storefronts, food trucks, and tables with displays.  Large speakers on a stage pumped out eclipse-theme music. We found posters with the Festival’s catch line:  The End Is Here.

There were not a lot of people in the Market Square.  But it was still early.

Zoe takes and Extreme Weather exam.

Zoe was set up for her exam on a park bench near the library – in another one of the Star Parks the town had set up.  The rest of us poked in the shops and booths, picking up eclipse donuts and commemorative posters.  We mailed special post-marked cards to ourselves.   We watched the square slowly begin to fill up with people.   In not too long, the exam was done – Zoe got a 92!

Yeah, we got some of those eclipse doughnuts.

Houlton had grand plans for the Festival, and the town worked really hard to make it happen.  Booths and displays around the square included bake sales and tie-die crafts.  There were Native American drumming displays, and a some noodling on an eclipse-themed electric guitar by a local rock legend.

Lanie could not turn down the offer to hold a snake, even though she and Jen had to wait in line about an hour for her chance.   Meanwhile, the crowd in the square got larger and larger.

At a booth in front of the movie theater – the movie theater where they would have simulcast the eclipse from a weather ballon if there had been clouds – we talked with NASA folks who asked us to download an app that would help them figure out the shape of the Sun.  Trisha and I decided to become citizen scientists.

We got closer to first contact.   The crowds in Market Square were not oppressive, but the mass of people was noticeable.  Some of us got lunch at a food truck.  We spent time in the riverside park, which had filled up with eclipse watchers.  We played Ransom Notes on the picnic table.  There were snacks and people in the park to talk to.  We could see the Weather Channel crew working a few dozen feet from our chairs.

As first contact approached, we tested our eclipse glasses and got our colanders.  The Sun shone on us.  It was around 60 degrees.

It’s important to know what kind of environment you want to watch the eclipse in.  At least, it was important for us, because we were fortunate enough to have a choice.  We sought out communion with fellow enthusiasts.  Early in our eclipse day, we heard reports of our friends the Ervins closing in on Houlton, a few hours behind us.  I kept a lookout for them all day long.  There were a lot of people in Houlton and the down had dedicated an impressive amount of space to the Festival; but it wasn’t so big and crowded that I thought it likely that the Ervins would escape me.

We later found out that they never made it to Houlton.  They stopped for gas in, Smyrna, the town right before us.  Talking to a few locals they were told something like: “I wouldn’t go to Houlton.  It will be crazy there with so many people.”

I mingle with Taylor and her street team.

It’s true that Houlton swelled with more than 20,000 visotrs on eclipse day, and it’s also true that personal jet traffic into Houlton International Airport was very brisk that day.  Rumors swirled that Taylor Swift herself was in town for the day.  We did not see her — or did we?  The band of roving martian creatures was very well choreographed and definitely had a diva-esque vibe.  What better way for her to let down her tentacles and migle with the commoners.

Besides that buzz of excitement, though, things never really got oppressively crowded or overly intense.  We enjoyed mingling with the commoners as much as Taylor did.

Meanwhile, the Ervins ended up finding a hillside in Smyrna where a handful of other people were set up to observe the eclipse.  They sat on the hill and watched nature all day, up to and including the eclipse, with a view of Katahdin.  It was just the experience they were looking for.

The park filled up as the eclipse approached.

In “crazy” Houlton we experienced the surreal experience of totality.  From the first second of contact, which I learned about because the people behind me had an app that announced eclipse milestones, through the various percentages of moon coverage, we shared the experience with several hundred people in the park.

We found ourselves in the background of the Weather Channel broadcast, and kept abreast of the milestones thanks to our neighbors’ app.  To my immediate left was a man named Chris who talked about how he had viewed his first eclipse at a child in Bucksport, ME.  He watched his second eclipse with his son in the Midwest.  Today was his third eclipse.

We talked with a photographer from the New York Times who was interested in our colander trick.   We took pictures of each other peering through eclipse glasses or manipulating the pinhole camera that we made. We heard snippets of conversations in 360 degrees all around us.

The light certainly changed gradually, but we noticed the change suddenly.  It wasn’t noticeably darker;  Zoe described it as “more saturated.”  Darks looked more profound.  Red and green looked more vivid.  Other colors were washed out.  We spent time remarking on this, and how we were at about 98 percent coverage, which is about as much of an eclipse as the people who stayed back home would get to see.

Then it got progressively and noticeable weirder.  Definitely darker, definitely colder.  Most people had put their coats on.  It was a strange twilight where the whole periphery was sill pretty light, but right above was dark.  It felt like it should be raining – storming.

The Weather Channel man carries on, despite less-than-stellar lighting.

The crowd chattered.  The man from the Weather Channel called out to the crowd and asked if we were ready.   People started cheering.

And then, totality.  The darkness went most of the way down the sky.  The streetlight next to the flagpole at the top of the park came on.  Someone said we could take off our eclipse glasses and look.  There were all forms of non-standard verbal communication – gasps and aaahhs.  I remember Trisha yelling “Oh, my God!”  multiple times, but I missed getting a video of it.  I went to hug Jen and possibly ruined the picture she was trying to take.

The lights on the footbridge went on.  The Oohs and Aaahs continued, and the crowd whispered reverently.  There was stirring at the same time as silence, somehow.

Eventually, I thought to look up myself.  It took some effort to look up, actually.  My brain and body are conditioned to not look up at the Sun.

Note the streetlights — and Venus — shining at 3:35 pm.

What I saw was pretty much like the pictures we’ve studied over the past several weeks:  dark disk surrounded by pale streaks in all directions.  It was larger than I expected it to be, or maybe it appeared larger the way the moon does when it’s near the horizon.  My attempts to photograph it were mostly a failure, but in one of my pictures you can clearly see the pinprick in the sky that we later learned was Venus.  Just off screen was another pinprick that was Jupiter.

My phone and Trisha’s were propped up taking automatic pictures for the Citizen Science project.

We took all of this in, the stillness and the murmurs.  And then, even though it seemed like much less than 3 minutes and 30 seconds had passed, someone told us to get ready for the “Diamon Ring effect”.

There was a quick burst of light on the bottom right of the circle and we were quickly warned to put our eclipse glasses back on.

Totality was over.

The Weather Channel man asked what we thought, and the crowd cheered.

Our little clan recovered. We regrouped.  We revisited the portapotties (still not an unbearable line).  And then we started to break camp.

They’re already planning the next eclipse trip.

On our way up the path to the parking lot Chris asked a photographer how their shots came out.  The man said he got great pictures of the partial eclipse, and then forgot to take his filer off for totality.  Another photographer next to him did the same thing.

Traffic, which had been a concern for us, turned out to be a non-issue.  It would have been less of an issue of we’d listened to the (seemingly drunk) man on his front porch urging us to take a left off of Route 1 and bypass the already accumulated backup.  We eventually got the message and turned off after another block of gridlock.

The trip to Bangor took only about an hour longer than we would have expected.  We rearranged bags between cars back at the hotel and made the fateful decision to dine at the adjacent Olive Garden (the Orono Brewing Company was unfortunately closed).  It was a drawn-out affair, and we didn’t get headed back home until almost 9.   Those of us headed to Durham made it into town around midnight.  It was a pretty smooth drive, unlike the stories we heard from other parts.

We will be talking about this trip for years — any and all traffic encountered will soon be forgotten.

Meanwhile, there’s already talk of traveling to the next accessible eclipse.  Anyone else up for a trip to Spain?

Great North American Eclipse Day 1 — We get close to totality, and closer to a famous duck

If we can skip the Big Bang and the planets forming and black holes and stuff, then our big eclipse adventure started a year ago minus a day when Jen booked a hotel suite for us in Bangor.  Actually, it started a little earlier, sometime between when Jen read the Wendy Mass book Every Soul a Star and when she heard there would be a solar eclipse whose zone of totality would be within driving distance of home.

Hey, Stephen King, want to go see an eclipse?

Jen perceived the astrological signs and realized we could stay in Bangor near Zoe on the night before the eclipse, and then we (minus Nadia) could all drive the hour or so north to totality. The plan was outlined. In the year following the hotel room booking a few relevant detail emerged:

  1. We talked the Halls (minus Emma) into joining us for the trip.
  2. Interest in the eclipse gradually rose – but we all managed to get our requests for personal days approved before the school system ran out of substitutes.
  3. We discovered that the timing of our trip allowed us to see Zoe’s last UMO Orchestra concert, and, with a little ride sharing, Jen could stick around an extra day to watch Zoe’s honors thesis defense.

You can see how the stars were aligning.

We drove to Maine on Sunday morning.  Two quick stops in Bangor awaited us.

One of the most famous ducks in all of Maine law enforcement

First, we swung by Stephen King’s house.  As usual, had a few other cars worth of tourists lingering around the spider-strewn front gate.  It was a predictable, yet satisfying eight-minute detour.

Second, we motored across town to Bangor Police Department HQ.  This was likely the place we wanted.  Confusingly, though, they don’t have a sign on the building for the Duck of Justice, so Jen had to somewhat awkwardly press the call button out front and ask the attendant if the famous taxidermized bird was actually inside.  We got buzzed in and then had to wait for an officer to meet us in the lobby to unlock the special Bangor Police Museum.  Here we found the Duck, which Krissy has been urging us to visit since forever.  We took our selfie wearing eclipse glasses (hopefully soon to be displayed on the BPD website) and enjoyed a few minutes browsing the small, but not un-interesting museum.

Famous taxidermized duck and us

Even with those two stops, and lunch at the Family Dog in Orono, we made it to campus in plenty of time to walk through campus before Zoe’s concert.  The performance itself was moving and well attended.  Highlights included the New World Symphony and Copland’s Hoedown.  Zoe was one of only four cellos in this year’s orchestra.

Parents’ and kids’ paths diverged for a while at this point.  One group took a more in-depth campus tour that solidly featured bouldering action in the Maine Bound Adventure Center.  Eliza is interested in a college experience that includes lots of outdoor exploration and Zoe tried to give her an idea of the kinds of opportunities that would be available at U Maine.  They also saw a very large plant through the window of a greenhouse.

Zoe’s last bow with the UMO Orchestra (as an undergrad, at least)

Meanwhile, those of us who already hold at least one college degree moved off campus to watch the NCAA Division 1 Women’s Basketball Championships. The staff at the Orono Brewing Company was happy to put the game on all of their TVs, even though we only needed to watch one.  While we were watching South Carolina defeat Iowa, we got to have some popcorn and pretzels, and we also had a beer or two.

After the show

It should be noted that some of us had more than a passing interest in the game. South Carolina’s win netted Trisha $75 and Iowa’s loss prevented Chris from winning any money whatsoever.

After the game, we regrouped and headed into Bangor for dinner.  It was a Sunday night, and the post-Covid restaurant scene can be difficult to predict.  Our first stop, Bangor’s Market Square, had a good concentration of restaurants, but only one was open, and it had an hour-and-a-half wait.  A two-block drive revealed an open Thai restaurant that ended up serving our purposes quite well.

Time for Thai

Throughout the day, there was speculation, anticipation, and last-minute preparation.  With none of us having experienced a total eclipse before, it was difficult to know for certain what was in store for us.  Some clues had presented themselves:

  • A week or so before the event, Maine State Police started suggesting that we bring paper maps because there was fear that the cellular network would not be able to accommodate the masses of people traveling north and east for the spectacle.
  • Many road signs along Rt. 95 urged us to be patient in traffic and avoid parking in snowy or muddy fields (apparently, there are not very many tow trucks in Aroostook County).
  • The predicted weather for the area seemed perfect.
  • The main event in the area, Houlton’s Maine Eclipse Festival was expecting as many as 40,000 visitors.
  • There was general speculation that some places might not have enough sanitation facilities to accommodate the crowds.
  • Other towns in the area were advertising eclipse watching events, but they did not seem as coordinated as Houlton’s, though Houlton was farther away from Bangor (and home) than most of the other towns.

Based on this intelligence, we made tentative plans.  Then we were hit one more piece of information:  Zoe had to take an exam tomorrow!  She could take it remotely, but she needed to be logged in for the exam around 9 am.  How would it all come together?  Keep reading to find out.

Day 10: Palaces, museums, and parks

I’ve been a little off my game on this Copenhagen leg of the trip.  We’ve all been a little tired, and I’ve been feeling like I was coming down with something.  (I thought it was Zoe’s cold, but — spoiler alert — it later turned out to be Covid, which I had successfully avoided for over three years.  I blame the stress caused by SJ Trains.)  As the family cruise director, I think my lack of energy caused a little bit of aimlessness and difficulty deciding what to do.  For today, our last day, I figured I needed to rally and come up with a clearer plan — and fortunately we were able to find a cluster of activities all in the same neighborhood.

We decided to continue our strategy of energy conservation, and again were able to successfully navigate the bus system.  (This is more due to how clear, helpful, and omnipresent the buses are here, rather than any particular skill on our part.  However, we did feel a little cooler when the group of tourists we were standing among all got onto one of those hop on/hop off red tourist buses, leaving us alone to get on the regular city bus.)

First on the agenda: Amalienborg Palace.  There are a few different palaces in the city and we didn’t have time to do all of them.  We picked this one pretty much just because it was in the neighborhood of some other things we wanted to see.  It’s the current residence of the Swedish royal family, and was worth a quick stop.  (We had another mystery adventure envelope for this place, but were too disheartened from our prior experience to even pull it out.)

Next up: cardamom buns.  These had been recommended to us as a Danish delicacy by our friends the Palmers, who visited recently.  They proved to be slightly more difficult to find than we expected, and we had also not gotten what you would call an early start — so by the time we had secured them, it was just about lunchtime.  So the buns went into a box to enjoy later, and we started casing the lovely historic harborfront neighborhood of Nyhavn for a suitable restaurant.  We quickly found that lovely harborfront neighborhood restaurants are (a) heavily dominated by fish, which at least one of our party won’t eat, and (b) not the most affordable.

Eventually we found an Asian restaurant off the main strip.  The main thing we’ll remember about it is the waiter, who was from Turkey and was single-handedly serving the whole place with much energy and enthusiasm.  He seemed to have a bit of a gambling problem, and was very interested in the soccer game that Nadia was trying to watch on her phone.  I’m not sure if he’d already placed a bet on it, or whether he called his bookie on the spot, but he was very anxious that two goals be scored by Nadia’s team.  Both he and Nadia were very celebratory when this happened.

Next up was a museum that the kids had picked out after reading about it on the Copenhagen Card website.  The Museum of Danish Resistance, detailing the history of Denmark during WWII, was not exactly an obvious choice, but it was actually a very cool place.  It was in a dim, high-ceilinged basement and consisted of a series of audio tours, accompanied by flicking black and white movie images projected on the concrete

Nadia, cardamom bun, and Little Mermaid

walls.  It followed the story of five different Danes during the war as well as the conditions of the country as a whole.  There were fun hands on activities like eavesdropping on conversations with an old-fashioned telephone switchboard, and decoding secret messages.  (Also, we later discovered that while in the windowless basement we seemed to have avoided a substantial rainstorm.)

The museum was right next to a large waterfront park, with an imposing fountain, pieces of an old fort, and a short walk to the famous Little Mermaid statue.  (This, as the Palmers had warned us, was not all that impressive and was also swarmed with tourists, but the walk there was pleasant and it proved to be a nice place to take a rest and enjoy our cardamom buns.)

Our planned dinner destination was somewhat nearby, but we weren’t ready for dinner yet.  Conveniently, there was a cool-sounding museum nearby, and another right near our dinner spot.  Better yet, Thursday was the one night of the week that the latter museum was open late, so we’d have time to do both and then roll into the dinner hour.

The first was the Design Museum of Denmark, and we all really liked it.  The exhibits were so diverse that it’s hard to sum them up.  It was a cool mixture of modern art, interior design, and social commentary, and well worth the time we spent there.

The second museum was on the other side of the harbor, so we had to take a ferry to get there.  Fortunately, as with all the other public transport that we’ve found here, this was well-run and easy to navigate.  It took us quite some time of scratching our heads and squinting at the signs to feel confident that we were going in the right direction, but we could actually see the sign from across the harbor so we really had no excuse for this other than tiredness and paranoia.

On the other side of the harbor, we found ourselves in a strange post-industrial part of town.  It seems to be in the process of gentrifying, but hasn’t quite gotten then yet.  The Copenhagen Contemporary museum was at the far end of a dreary street mostly populated by deserted factories, and did not at all seem like an area where you’d find a tourist attraction.  But we found this fit well with the vibe of the museum, which itself was built in a former welding factory.  This is another one that is hard to describe.  There were exhibits consisting of huge movie screens, giant sculptures, a pile of stuffed jeans for lounging, and much more.  It was a nice museum for avoiding overwhelm, because most of it was large rooms with only one or two things to look at.

We waited in line for this one “experiential” exhibit, not knowing what to expect.  After going into an antechamber and replacing our shoes with white cotton booties, we (along with 4 other people) climbed a set of lighted stairs and emerged into a cornerless tunnel flooded with different colors of light.  We were left to experience this for about 10 minutes, as the colors changed around us.  It was quite a unique experience!  Unfortunately no photos were allowed, but we would recommend a visit if you ever find yourself in Copenhagen.

Finally, dinner time!  On yet another recommendation from the Palmers, we were traveling to Reffen, just down the street from the museum.  It’s hard to describe this place.  It’s a little industrial looking shanty town, with winding alleys lined with shacks selling all kinds of delicious food from around the world.  We were having trouble deciding if it really was a ramshackle place that sprung up in old shipping containers and the like, or whether it was carefully constructed to look that way.  We decided it was probably the latter, but it was so well done that it was hard to be sure.  Several of us were reeled in immediately by the burrito place that had a spit out front of pork, roasting tantalizingly on a rotisserie.  Others got tofu and noodles, sandwiches, chicken satay, ice cream — it was a feast across the board.

We were thrilled when we found that there was a ferry route traveling most of the way back to our hotel, but alas — after waiting for a while and squinting at the signs again, we eventually determined the ferries were no longer running.  (We don’t really blame ourselves for how long this took, because while we were waiting about a dozen other people lined up behind us.  We assumed they knew what they were doing, and apparently they (unwisely) assumed the same of us.)  So it was back to the bus again, for one last night in our hostel.

Day 9: Winding down

With only today and tomorrow left in our trip, energy levels in some quarters have been dropping (though, impressively, Zoe and Nadia have had enough energy to go have a drink in one of our hip hostel bars on each night we’ve been here).  Last night there was a debate between members of the group who wanted to get out first thing in the morning to maximize sightseeing opportunities, and those who thought that 11am was a reasonable time to aim for.  (One consequence of the few late nights that we’ve had while traveling has been that we really haven’t completely adjusted to European time.  We’ve all mostly been up until 12 or 1 each night, even if we try to go to bed earlier.)  We compromised by agreeing to get out the door by 10am.

We came pretty close to making it, though not without some grumbling.  We figured that we needed to go into energy conservation mode, so we decided to take the bus to our furthest destination of the day, then gradually make our way back on foot.  (Luckily the buses here proved to be very easy to navigate, even though the driver invariably would just gesture to me impatiently anytime I tried to show our Copenhagen cards.  I guess they care more about keeping to the timetable than ensuring that riders have paid.)

We started out at the Botanical Garden, always one of the stops on our list.  As usual, the gardens allowed people to wander off and explore at their own pace, which is a nice break in the day.  This one had a series of tall greenhouse-type buildings built in the 19th century, containing tropical plants, as well as a butterfly house full of all different species.

At the end of the garden was a small natural history museum, which had a lot of very

Dramatic sky over Copenhagen. We found the weather in Scandinavia to be very unpredictable — pretty much every day veered suddenly between sunshine and rain multiple times.

cool wildlife photography.  When exploring museums, Zoe is known for wanting to read every sign on every display — while Nadia tends to move through practically at a jog.  So this time Zoe and I went to the museum early, while the others spent more time in the garden.  This seemed to work out well for everyone.


After the garden and museum, we decided to swing by the nearby Round Tower again, to have another crack at solving the mystery puzzle that we’d failed to progress on the previous day.  The good news is that

Bob did eventually find the dog and three ducks carving that we’d been looking for the previous day.  The bad news is, we found ourselves completely unable to do anything else.  I don’t know if the puzzle was really hard or if we’re just overtired, but we struggled with every clue and eventually gave up in defeat after walking up and down the same street five times looking for a particular address and not finding it.  Sadly the case of the missing money lender and the bloodstained briefcase will have to remain unsolved.

Going under one of the many, many low bridges

Next up was a more restful canal boat tour through the canals and out into the harbor.  Copenhagen claims the cleanest harbor in the world, and there are frequently docks and ladders where people can jump right in to swim.  It was initially quite disconcerting seeing someone suddenly jump into the water right from an urban dock, but a pretty great feature for the locals.  We also saw plenty of paddleboarders and kayakers.  The waterfront itself is beautiful as well, with colorful buildings and stone palaces, and old church spires rising in the distance.

Nadia got some unholy “ice cream burrito” conconction where the “tortilla” was crushed cotton candy.

Our final destination was the one that the kids have been most excited about — Tivoli Gardens, one of the oldest amusement parks in the world.  It’s a strange and lovely mixture of beautifully landscaped, peaceful gardens — and giant metal rides, with people screaming their heads off.  Zoe and Lanie elected to go with the unlimited ride pass, while Nadia (who does not like heights or speed and gets sick on things that spin around) chose to spend her budget on various food items instead.  The park was supposed to close at 10 but many rides ended up being open until 11, so they really got their money’s worth.



Day 8: A home base

Checking out the Copenhagen waterfront from deck seven of our cruise.

We have roamed much of the way around Scandinavia, staying in hostels, an apartment, a sleeper cabin on an overnight train, and — last night — a cruise ship cabin.  Mostly we’ve been sleeping five to a room, and every night we’ve been sleeping in a new bed.

Here in Copenhagen we are looking forward to spreading out in one place for a bit.  We’re still sleeping six to a room, but we get this room, in probably the hippest hostel we’ve experienced so far, for three nights.

We are also excited because we have ponied up for three days of the Copenhagen Card, which gets us into all kinds of experiences and attractions, including a lot of museums, the famous Tivoli Gardens amusement park, and all public transportation.

With mystery packets in hand, we are now on the case.

In fact, we weren’t on the ground here for more than an hour when Jen and Zoe signed us up to solve a few mysteries.  A company has put together packets that mix historical crime information with famous city landmarks to add a little fun to sidewalk travels.   The packets were available for pickup right in the train station.  It’s on the Copenhagen Card, so we went for it.

Therefore, after storing our luggage in a locker at the New House hotel — just a few blocks from the train station and not quite ready to check us in — we headed toward a place called the Round Tower, where clues apparently awaited us.

Actually, the clues waited a little while, because it started to sprinkle and we decided to duck into a coffee shop.  Then, when the showers intensified, we headed into the nearest indoor activity covered by the Copenhagen Card.  As luck would have it, we were very close to a double attraction: Copenhagen’s Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum and the Hans Christian Anderson Experience.  They’re right next to each other, and they’re on the Card.

These kept us interested, and dry.  And possibly they gave us appreciation for wonders of the world at large, and for Copenhagen’s greatest contribution to children’s literature.  Remember, we just had coffee, so we were pretty much raring to go.  The rain just had to stop.  And it did!

A nook for resting on the way up the Round Tower

At the Round Tower, also on the Card, we wound our way up a spiraling cobbelstone ramp to a place designed to hold an observatory.  The tower pokes out over the surrounding neighborhood of old buildings and narrow streets.

See any ducks or dogs? Us neither.

It gives a nice view view of the surroundings, but, being in the center of the city, it probably isn’t that effective as an observatory anymore.  There is still a telescople up there, but we did not get to see it.

No clues were apparent from the top of the tower, so we eased our way back down to street level where…still no clues were apparent.  We were meant to be looking for a carving with three ducks and a dog.  It was supposed to be somewhere near the tower.  There were lots of people milling around, but not a lot of livestock.

We looked and looked until the coffee boost ran out totally, and a sizeable portion of us were dead on our feet.  By now our room was ready for us, so we walked back to the hostel and settled in.

It is a very cool place.  There are multiple bars, a restaurant, a workout facility, a yoga room, and an indoor soccer field.   It has people of all types staying there, but it is geared toward backpacking types.  There is a special dinner each night for people looking to connect with other travelers.  There are also special events and meet-up spots to allow solo travelers to connect with each other.

Our room had sixs beds, each mostly enclosed, with power hookups inside each little pod.  There is a bathroom and a shower — separate from each other — in the room.   It’s actually pretty good for a family if you rent the whole thing out.  So, that’s kind of the vibe of the place:  A lot of young single people and a bunch of families with young kids.  It is also very close to a lot of the downtown action.

We lugged our bags up to our room and lay them down to stay for a while.  Some of us snuggled into our bunk pods, and those of us with energy remaining headed out for more Copenhagen Card adventure.

This time, it was the nearby  National Museum, which occupied us with extensive exhibits on pre-historic Denmark and a Viking experience where we got to see a part of the longest Viking ship ever recovered.

They eventually kicked us out of the National Museum because it was closing.  Back at the hostel, we tried to sign up for the night’s special dinner, but it was already filled up.  (It turns out that we would have been out of place; the tacos were really meant for young single types.)  Instead, we dove into the slightly more expensive, but amply-stocked salad and pizza buffet that was on the other side of the restaurant.

After all that, some of us still had energy to go out looking for dessert.  Here, as in most parts of Scandinavia, ice cream is easier to find than murder clues.